Update: Now I myself am Facing Life’s Challenges 🙁


About me, the photographer….. who am I and what motivates me, a person with a true artist’s soul that rather speaks with images than with words?!

I’ve been a Canon shooter since 1991 (age 16, see tattoo retro camera, dad’s camera – my first camera.)
I am a total nerd in all I am and do…. & completely obsessed with the power of love (hence my logo), the number 3, art, the rules of composition, and as an Australian Dutch born Citizen totally in love with anything Australia – Australian history Indigenous people and their culture especially. And the bond between the Netherlands.
I live for ART, PHOTOGRAPHY, FAMILY AND MY DOGS and understanding the Australian first Nations’ culture to spread this knowledge of the oldest living culture on earth (since 65.000 years) in the hope it will be preserved for hopefully a bit longer.

I also have a special fascination with the number 3, science (I have an urge to prove things scientifically), and I love everything related to the science of light. I’m particularly intrigued by how the old grand masters in the old school of visual painting and photography used light to convey more in one image than words could in 10,000 books. I enjoy combining political issues and the power of symbolism in art, especially photography, to communicate through images rather than words.

I’ve done some crazy a** cool stuff in Alice Springs. Not the first ever plane ride for a client. 😉 Miss my life in Australia but too hot there for me now. On average back in 2018 45-47 degrees C summers 8 months long. Last year a friend showed me 49 degrees. Global warming is very real in the Outback for sure.
Been To Sydney, Adelaide Darwin Melbourne Mildura pretty much every corner big city in Australia for work. From beach weddings to bush weddings. 10 hours drive for a wedding and American Client Zumba. Ah well memories……………………. https://www.flickr.com/photos/joycevandijkfotografie/with/53472587371
Lived smack bang in the middle the red centre a town called Alice Springs. The desert.

Found this page on the Northern Territory (state I lived in) government’s website where I was holding guided phototours with local parks rangers of several Nature Parks….. A lovely find…

Tag Along Photography Tour at Owen Springs Reserve

Northern Territory Government Newsroomhttps://newsroom.nt.gov.au › dev

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“Participants will be joined by a local ranger and local guest photographer Joyce van Dijk … Owen Springs Reserve is a 40 minute drive, 60km south west of Alice …

My friend Rev. John Boundy, who took me on tag along trips troughuot the outback to the most secluded and isolated places on earth 🙂 (see image below, him flying overhead. At Old Ondadoo Station 100 km from the South Australian Border 500 km south East of Alice springs. Trusting him to return back to pick me up. Check out the Landscape section to see wild images of my life there: https://www.flickr.com/photos/joycevandijkfotografie/with/53471681437 (page 3)

The town where I used to live for twelve years Alice Springs. Northern Territory, Central Australia. Yes I long for this place often.

The Town where I lived for 12 years Alice Springs. LOVE it there. And my mate the flying Reverend that took me to AWESOME most desolated places never seen by a tourist….

Every month a 500 km drive one way to Ayers Rock Resort to shoot a wedding. And other cllients.
Life was treating me rather well there. Until……………..long story. I received a distressing phonecall from the Netherlands about my dad being not well….. I LOVED my job there as elite photographer with the gov as client and diverse magazine. THEY CALLED ME. Not me trying to sco0re clients on a job website like in Holland. Even phonecalls from Nat Geographic USA. UK BBB ZUMBA USA etc. ah well showing off now. It wil NEVER BE LIKE THIS EVER AGAIN> Living here. Different life. STRESSED TO THE MAX in OVERLY POPULATED HOLLAND. I can’t focus here. My talent getting ruined by too many stimuli too many people. Even shot a wedding in beautiful New Hampshire USA. Why not. Coz I can!

Sometimes, I enjoy keeping things simple and just photographing a lovely picture of beautiful nature. Real estate photography is one of my main interests, alongside capturing the art of Mother Nature.

I once said “I refuse to combine technology with nature in one photograph.!”
However, since living in the Netherlands, I’ve have no choice but to do combine technology with the stars above and or mother nature. It’s simply impossible to avoid. I feel forced to do the opposite and show how technology is ruining the mental and emotional balance I once had in Australia, where I was surrounded by the most beautiful nature I had ever seen with my naked eye. Going back is not an option. The reason? Well… just because family is more important than anything else.

Trying to make something so ugly and a true nuisance to me (5G etc Tower below) kinda “pretty or bearable” by combing it with stars. Make’s it “hurt”a bit less I suppose, the realisation we are losing our beautiful surroundings to big tech companies and technology.

Illustration by Joyce van Dijk about Space X and their crazy attempt to rule the world!